Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

la 17:03
Hello friends!

We have realeased a brand new cooking game:
You can play it here:

Also follow this recipe, if you want it to turn out just right!

The first step is to pour flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a big bowl. Use the hand mixer to make the composition and then place some eggs in the second bowl. Add butter, milk and vanilla and mix this composition as well. Place the cupcake composition in the tray by using a small spoon. In Minnie Mouse Cupcakes you can now place the baking tray in the oven and let the cupcake bake at medium heat. Take the cupcakes out of the tray and let them cool. In the min time make the frosting, which you will use to decorate them. Add red food colorant to make the frosting red and then decorate the cupcakes with it. In Minnie Mouse Cupcakes you can make the ears from black fondant and cut it into round shapes. Place the two ears on each cupcake and then place a white bow to finish the decor. You can use white chocolate flakes as well. Enjoy the very fun cooking game called Minnie Mouse Cupcakes!

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